
Roasted hemp and squash

I've created this roasted hemp and squash recipe because I loved the colour of the squash (yellow is my favourite colour) and wanted to find a way to keep it visible. Also the squash has the ideal bowl-like shape which makes it a natural container for other ingredients, in this case our hemp protein powder.

Ingredients for the roasted hemp and squash

Recipe for a delicious roasted butternut squash with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

Doses for 1 person

  • 1 medium size butternut squash
  • 2 teaspoons of hemp protein powder
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • Pumpkin seeds (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of rosemary
  • salt

How to prepare the roasted hemp and squash

Cut the squash horizontally just below its neck, where it becomes large, to reveal the hollow inside and remove the seeds.

Leave the skin on it, take a slice, put it in a bowl, cut it in small chunks and add a bit of salt.

If you have time and patience, you can also peel and add the seeds from this squash, otherwise add some pumpkin seeds you bought.

Wait for a little while to let the salt draw some juice out of the squash, while you prepare a large frying pan (25 cm /10”).

Recipe for a delicious roasted butternut squash with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

Add the hemp protein powder, the two teaspoons of oil and start mixing everything gently to obtain a creamy texture. Add a bit of water if necessary.

Recipe for a delicious roasted butternut squash with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

Put this mixture of diced squash and hemp protein powder in the hollow of the squash and place the squash in the centre of a frying pan, surrounded by smaller slices you cut from the neck of the squash.

Sprinkle salt and rosemary and pour 2 teaspoons of oil.

Recipe for a delicious roasted butternut squash with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

Put a lid on the frying pan and place it on the hob. I prefer to cook it on the cooker, but you can also place it in the oven.

Leave the lid on it and cook it very slowly, so the squash juice will come out and blend with the hemp, the oil and rosemary and you won’t risk burning it.

Recipe for a delicious roasted butternut squash with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

When to serve the roasted hemp and squash

To check whether it’s cooked, insert a sharp knife in the side of the squash. If it feels soft it’s ready.

Place your squash on a plate and take it to the table, serve hot.

You can eat it with all the skin which is soft when cooked, you won't even feel it.

I love the sweetness of the squash and how it combines very well the hemp. I find this a very filling dish, you can make two portions from the squash and aacompny each portion with a couple of squash slices or you may want to keep the slices as a side dish for your next meal!

So tasty!!

Recipe for a delicious roasted butternut squash with hemp protein powder. For vegetarians and vegans

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