Hemp is the common name for the plant whose scientific Latin name is Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica. They are two plants of the same family, Cannabacee (although botanists do not agree completely abut this). Cannabis Sativa (which is legal in most countries) is nowadays also called industrial hemp, to distinguish it from Cannabis Indica (which is illegal in most countries) that is used to produce marjuana and hashish.
The main difference is in the content of THC, the intoxicating substance. Industrial hemp (Cannabis Sativa) contains virtually no THC.
Hemp is a wonderful plant, nothing gets wasted of it. Practically everything can be made from hemp: food, paper, fabrics, plastic, building material, bio-fuel.
Hemp as a food is extremely nutritious, it contains all of the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to stay healthy and improve immune function. That's why it is a complete source of complete proteins, even considered a superfood by some.
No other single plant provides complete protein nutrition that is also very easy to digest, nor has the oils essential to life in as perfect a ratio for human health and vitality.
Other sources
of protein often cause bloating and bad aftertaste. Instead, the type
of protein contained in hemp (edestine) is very similar to the protein
found in human blood, the reason why it is so easy to digest.
become a fan of hemp and here I'll share my enthusiasm and the ways I
use hemp, starting with hemp protein powder and some recipes I've been
Enjoy this journey of discovery and your meals!
Jun 06, 21 01:35 PM
Cosmetici alla canapa, naturali e vegani, per la cura della persona: creme per viso, mani, capelli, idratanti per corpo, abbronzanti, dopo-sole, dopo-barba e creme per bambini. Fai da te o acquistali
May 30, 21 07:20 PM
Il sapone alla canapa è particolarmente emolliente e nutriente, adatto anche per pelli con irritazioni varie come acne, psoriasi, eczema, dermatiti, scottature
Mar 27, 21 01:04 PM
Scopri cos'è il CBD, una sostanza che si trova nella canapa. Ha effetto rilassante, contro dolori muscolari, utile anche per sclerosi multipla e altri disturbi